Vom Avensis Rottweiler
Dayton, Ohio, United StatesPhone:
Email Vom Avensis Rottweiler European Rottweilers , Champion Rottweilers, Russian Rottweilers, Yugoslavian Rottweilers, Hungarian Rottweilers, AKC Rottweiler Puppies.Vom Avensis Rottweiler - Puppies for Sale
Vom Avensis Rottweiler currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Vom Avensis Rottweiler:
Here at Vom Avensis Rottweilers. We are a Code of Ethics European Rottweiler Hoobyist . Our true passion is the
Rottweiler breed . We occasionally offer European Rottweiler puppies that are suitable for schutzhund,showing, and
companionship. We have more than 20 Years Experience with the Rottweiler Breed. Our goal is to better the Rottweiler
breed by producing excellent quality Rottweiler puppies. Our Rottweiler puppies are bred for correct conformation, sound
temperaments, good bone substance, and extraordinary heads. We use only the finest German Rottweilers and European
Rottweilers in any breeding. All of our Rottweilers are Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) certified. We follow the
Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standard with the exception that we will dock our Rottweiler puppy tails . The
FCI standard is the recognized Rottweiler standard throughout the world. The United States is the only major country that
does not adhere to the FCI standard in its entirety.