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Sweet Basil Farms
Atlanta, Georgia, United StatesPhone:
Email Sweet Basil Farms Sweet Basil Farms breeds high quality Great Pyrenees, Standard Poodles, Pyredoodles and Mini Pigs.Sweet Basil Farms - Puppies for Sale
Sweet Basil Farms currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Sweet Basil Farms:
Sweet Basil Farms raises and breeds Pyredoodles, Great Pyrenees and Standard Poodles on our 80 acre working farm. To find us, and all we do, visit our website, We also breed and sell poultry, pet pigs, pygmy goats and over 300 varieties of bearded irises and so much more. Share the SWEET-ness. Like and follow us! We are Sweet Basil Farm & Gardens (or Kennels)on Facebook. Look for us on Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, Google+ and Twitter.
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.