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Goree Old English Bulldogs
Old English BulldogOwner:
MARBURY, Alabama, United StatesPhone:
Email Goree Old English Bulldogs We are proud to be an IOEBA registered kennel located in central Alabama.Goree Old English Bulldogs - Puppies for Sale
Goree Old English Bulldogs currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Goree Old English Bulldogs:
Our puppies are raised in our home as family and will come to you pre-spoiled. We are proud to be an IOEBA registered kennel.
We have 5 puppies available born on August 13, 2016 and will be ready for their new homes on October 13, 2016.
A $500 non-refundable deposit will hold your puppy with the balance due before pickup. Pet and breeder pricing available starting at $1300. Email for full details, more pictures and pricing.
<a href=""><img SRC="ioeba_logo1.gif" ALT="International Olde English Bulldogge Assoc." border=0 height=80 width=288><p></a> <font face="Kozuka Gothic Pro H" size="2"><b><a
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.