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spring creek kalu kennel
Lafayette, Tennessee, United StatesPhone:
Email spring creek kalu kennel We are a small kennel that have AKC fox Red labrador retrievers and CKC merle labradoodles. We follow strict breeding guidelines, as a result all puppies are of the highest genetic quality.spring creek kalu kennel - Puppies for Sale
spring creek kalu kennel currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about spring creek kalu kennel:
Spring Creek Kalu Kennel is a small family AKC Fox Red Labrador Retriever and CKC Labradoodle Breeder, located in Lafayette, TN (1 hr. 15 minutes N.E. of Nashville, TN).
As mentioned, we are a small kennel, not wanting to get too big that it takes away from our connection with our family members, our dogs.
Our dogs are family companions first, and breeding dogs second. Our dogs go through hours of obedience training and retriever training
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.