High 'N Dry Farm English Springer Spaniels
English Springer SpanielOwner:
Pam FunkWebsite:
Paradise, California, United StatesPhone:
Email High 'N Dry Farm English Springer Spaniels We have a small farm in Northern CA in a small town called Paradise, CA. We raise heritage and rare chicken breeds, have two resident horses and of course our Springer Spaniels, Kate, Stella and Maggie.High 'N Dry Farm English Springer Spaniels - Puppies for Sale
High 'N Dry Farm English Springer Spaniels currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about High 'N Dry Farm English Springer Spaniels:
We currently have two bitches Kate & Stella. Kate is now retired from breeding, Stella will have one more litter. We have a new puppy, Maggie, one of Kate's who will be bred in a couple of years when all her testing can be completed and she's mature enough. Of course, they are our pet and live with us in the house. Our breeding goals are health, temperment and to the standard for the breed.
Our girls are a beautiful representation of the Springer Spaniel breed as well as exhibiting all the wonderful traits of the springer spaniel. Prior to switching our breeding focus on Springer Spaniels, I bred American Cocker Spaniels for about 25 years. I bred the Cocker Spaniels to be good hunting dogs as they are also in the sporting group of dogs. I became frustrated when the breeders trend was to breed a smaller and more "arm candy" dog than what they were bred to do. Along with running an art studio, a wine bar, restaurant and gift shop, I felt I didn't have the time to promote the dying hunting bloodline so I retired from breeding cocker spaniels. We decided to add Springer Spaniels to our family and after loosing our town to the Camp Fire in 2018, I suddenly had the time to focus on breeding again.
Both Kate & Stella practice the Springer Sprawl as often as possible. They travel extensively with us and have great manners. They are good in the field as well as the hotel! They love people (especially the UPS man with treats), kids, other dogs (unless you're walking by our house, even it's the hundredth time). Stella loves our new kittens and Kate even let them get a look at the brand new litter.
They get along well with our chickens and horses but Stella loves to bark at the horses to get them running around and she can't always resist a hop towards a group of free ranging chickens just to make them scatter and then trot off with a big smile and act like she did nothing! Her human Dad taught her that, mom scolds her!
We have combined the field and bench bred bloodlines to offer a well rounded dog that esthetically offers our adopting families the choice of the type of Springer Spaniels they prefer and still have all the qualities of a bred to standard English Springer Spaniel.
You can see more pictures and learn more about our springers and our farm by visiting www.springerspanielpups.com