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Bonjillie Chihuahua
Clarksville, Tennessee, United StatesPhone:
Email Bonjillie Chihuahua We have Henry in our home along with a female Chihuahua named Jane.Bonjillie Chihuahua - Puppies for Sale
Bonjillie Chihuahua currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Bonjillie Chihuahua:
Henry is 16months old and a beautiful dog. He’s loveable, quiet and very smart. He is in our home along with a female Chi named Jane. We are not a kennel.
Henry is purebred, registered with the CKC. He’s UTD with all his immunizations. He’s very healthy and has no physical issues.
He loves people and is very gentle with people and other dogs..
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.