Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes
Chesapeake Bay RetrieverOwner:
Pisgah Forest, North Carolina, United StatesPhone:
Email Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes sets the standard for excellence in temperament! Breeder and exhibitor of versatile good looking Chesapeakes. Our dogs compete in conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, coursing, dock jumping, and whatever else we can fit into our busy schedules! Whiskey Creek has some of the most versatile titled Chesapeakes in the south!Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes - Puppies for Sale
Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes:
Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes has been breeding QUALITY Chessies since 2001.
Our name is synonymous with excellent quality 'versatile' Chesapeakes.
Our dogs can be seen holding records in all types of venues from conformation (consistantly have dogs listed in the 'Top Ten' in UKC), Rally (Brier was listed as the #1 Chesapeake competing in Rally Obedience by Front and Finish magazine in 2007), Dock Diving (Trout, a dog we bred is often in the top of the National Rankings for Dock Dogs), as well as other awards and titles.
Not only are our dogs competitive in performance venues, but most of our dogs have conformation Championship titles from AKC as well as UKC.
Our dogs not only LOOK good, and can perform in various activities, but they also make great HUNTING companions!
We sell several puppies out of our litters to people wanting a good solid dog to use for hunting, be it waterfowl or upland, our dogs are making Lab owner think twice when it is time for a new hunting companion.
The hunters who have dogs from us tell us they are honest and hard working, easy to train and never cease to amaze them with their drive and determination.
Owners who have competed in Hunt Tests with our dogs love that they are so easy to train that they do not have to send their dogs off to a 'pro trainer' to learn upper level handling skills. We have several dogs running in the AKC Master Hunter level and the HRC Finished level.
Conformation is something that most buyers don't really care about, but they should as a dog built 'conformationally correct' is a more efficient working dog and is less likely to have some orthopedic issues cause from poor structure. So, YES! That Championship title SHOULD be something that you look for when you are ready to buy your next dog.
Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes also performs various health clearances before we breed our dogs. They are not limited to…
CERF (a yearly eye exam)
*NOT required to be done to achieve CHIC status through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
**The current genetic tests ALL dogs 'should' have before being bred
Come to Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes and see what makes us stand out from the other breeders.
A true love for the breed and a desire to work towards keeping the Chesapeake breed solid to its roots.