Worldwide Cane Corsos
Cane CorsoOwner:
Dickson, Tennessee, United StatesPhone:
Email Worldwide Cane Corsos Carefully selected Imported bloodlines offering TOP quality Cane Corsos for families wanting a superior looking Cane Corso, TOP SHOW or Working prospects.Worldwide Cane Corsos - Puppies for Sale
Worldwide Cane Corsos currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Worldwide Cane Corsos:
TOP quality Cane Corso for families wanting a superior looking Cane Corso, TOP show or working prospects.
We have carefully selected and Imported World Champion bloodlines as the base of our breeding program. Superior breeding of tested and proven bloodlines produces superior puppies!
We own and have bred have many AKC Champions and Grand Champions, International Champions as well as serious working and personal protection dogs. We pride ourselves in having correct Cane Corso temperament. Our dogs are not only family companions and guardians but also very competitive in Conformation shows, most can also transition to a hard hitting working dog.
We invite you to take a look at our website we are sure you will notice the time and passion we take to carefully select the dogs which make up our family and breeding program.
Worldwide Cane Corsos Puppies are hand raised in our home with love and affection ! Each litter is carefully planned to Improve upon and meet the breed standard here in the USA and around the World !
Our dogs are eligible for AKC, UKC, and ICCF registry.