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Random Allure
Varna, BulgariaPhone:
Email Random Allure Random Allure Kennel is breeding quality English bulldogs and Chinese cresteds. Visit our official web for detailed information or become a fan of Kennel`s page in facebook where you can see more photos and videos of our dogs and available puppiesRandom Allure - Puppies for Sale
Random Allure currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Random Allure:
Random Allure Kennel is offering male bulldog puppy for sale- excellent bloodline from world champions, show potential, perfect pet, healthy, well developed puppy, pedigree document, microchip,vaccinations and passport.
Worldwide shipping is available.
For more information visit our official page where you can find photos, or you can join us in Face book – English bulldog and Chinese crested – “Random Allure” Kеnnel In Facebook you can see more photos and videos of our dogs and available puppy.
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.