Higginbotham Farm
Oronogo, Missouri, United StatesPhone:
Email Higginbotham Farm We love animals of all kinds. Our pets are like family. We love every puppy that are born and comes into our lives. They are very special to us, in their own little ways.Higginbotham Farm - Puppies for Sale
Higginbotham Farm currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Higginbotham Farm:
Our pets are our babies, they are family. One of the kids!! We breed Boxer's & Cocker Spaniels, we have one litter a year. We don't believe in breeding our precious females more than once a year, it's not healthy for them, just like us it would take a tole on our body if we had babies back to back without getting a break in between.
We have a total of 11dogs, but not all of them are breeding pairs. We have 3 female boxers, and 1male that are intact. Our old man, has been neutered for 2 years now. We have 1 cocker spaniel pair. Then the rest of our babies are spayed/neutered.
Like I said our pets are our babies, we love them so very much!! We have been together 13years, and married 11 years. We have 3 beautiful children and 1 grandchild.
We live on 20 acres, with 5 horses, 2 pygmy goats, and 8 chickens.
I hope you enjoy looking at our precious puppies, and dogs.
Thanks, for looking
From, The Higginbotham Family