Wetapoltd Kennel
Bluetick CoonhoundOwner:
David PoolWebsite:
Red Level, Alabama, United StatesPhone:
Email Wetapoltd Kennel We take great pride in helping you find the best Bluetick that will meet your goals for competitive hunters, Show or home and make your investment of time, passion, and money one of the best decisions you ever make in the Bluetick world. Bluestone Bluetick's has the finest collection of Cameron blueticks.Wetapoltd Kennel - Puppies for Sale
Wetapoltd Kennel currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Wetapoltd Kennel:
We take great pride in helping you find the best bluetick that will meet your goals for competitive hunters, Show or home and make your investment of time, passion, and money one of the best decisions you ever make in the bluetick world. Wetapo Kennel has the finest collection of Cameron blueticks. Email wetapoltd@gmail.com
I'm sorry to say that I only have one or so litters a year and I never had 10 brood bitches to supply everyone with quality puppies, but when your breeding outstanding Cameron hounds they don't last long.
I'm located in the heart of Alabama and devoted full time to my Blueticks. We are proud to have the chance to raise some of the finest Cameron Blueticks for big and small game, and provide quality hounds at a championship level for hunting, showing, or for the home. We are dedicated to the preservation of the true old fashioned Bluetick. We want to produce a true ​dual purpose hound and to breed premium performance Blueticks. Wetapo Creek wants to keep this particular Cameron bloodlines going to produce better quality hounds. I'm proud to be able to take this journey and to build a successful foundation at Wetapo Creek . We invite you to browse our new website and enjoy the pictures and pedigrees of these wonderful Cameron hounds!
304.445.1248 or 970.201.4664