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Black Beard Black Russian Terriers
Black Russian TerrierOwner:
San Diego, California, United StatesPhone:
Email Black Beard Black Russian Terriers We are fanciers of the Black Russian Terrier and consider ourselves "good stewards" of the breed. Our dogs are our family members, and they live in our home with us. If you're interested in the breed, send us an email. We always love to talk "dog!"Black Beard Black Russian Terriers - Puppies for Sale
Black Beard Black Russian Terriers currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Black Beard Black Russian Terriers:
Our dogs are our family members. They live in our home with us and are a part of our daily lives. It is important to us to produce puppies that meet our breed’s standard in conformation, temperament, and drive. We carefully consider bloodlines, individual traits, health tests, and the health tests of past generations in the pedigrees before deciding to breed.
The first video is on BRT Health for Puppy families.
This group of videos is basic information on how to look up and verify health test for dogs.
Breed videos:
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.