Alaskan MalamuteOwner:
eugene, Oregon, United StatesPhone:
Email wolfhaven wolf cubs for salewolfhaven - Puppies for Sale
wolfhaven currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about wolfhaven:
sweet babies . born and raised in my home . house trained . doggy door trained . handled alot . not skittish at all . make great friends and assist animals . hyper allergenic . they just vwant to fallow you around and lay at your feet . they just want to be loved . calm. quiet . not hyper at all . papered . shots . vet checks . very healthy . geneticly . can live 30 years . no health problems at all . don't shed . no body oder . they don't smell . we have arctic's .cost 1,000 . one male chocolate buffalo wolf . cost 1,500 . one older female red mckenzie . she is free . candy is a sweet wolf . call katie at 541-726-0224 . or wolfhaven@live.com . www.wolfhaven.life . also taking deposits on fall breeding . best animal you will ever have . we love are babies . they get the best of every thing . thanks.