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Ozarks Alaskan Malamutes
Alaskan MalamuteOwner:
Goodson, Missouri, United StatesPhone:
Email Ozarks Alaskan Malamutes AKC Alaskan Malamutes, male and female puppies available for a loving homes Now March 2016 I have two males & one female available out of a litter of nine. Two year health checked & health certified... AKC reg... vaccinations/wormings...well mannered & very socialized. Please visit website at for cost, lots of pictures & videos of current available puppies. Our dogs are our pets and come in & out of the house as they please. Visitors welcomed as long as you call ahead to schedule a date & time,as private property is locked. Please do not hesitate with any questions, we are here for the life of your very special newest family member & there after. current litter born late October 2015,Ozarks Alaskan Malamutes - Puppies for Sale
Ozarks Alaskan Malamutes currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Ozarks Alaskan Malamutes:
I have 3 beautiful Alaskan Malamute puppies available now, 1 female and 2 males. Please visit website to see pictures and videos of these wonderful babies. My babies are well socialized and come from healthy lines and come with AKC Registration & have OFA certification champion bloodlines. If you have any questions at all, please email or call or text us directly 417-399-5307.
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.